3 simple steps

Upload your document
  • Upload your files in Word or PDF format.
  • They can be contracts, agreements, labor documents, among others.
Invite the signatories
  • Enter the name and email of the people who must sign the document.
  • They will receive a link to securely enter their electronic signature.
  • They don't have to register in DigitaFirma.
  • Once everyone has signed, we will notify you.
Keep a copy of your documents
  • Securely store your signed contracts.
  • Download an electronic version whenever you want.
  • Use our open source validator to verify its authenticity.
  • Validate your signed contracts.
Free e-book

2021: Effects of the Electronic Signature in Commercial Acts.

Download FREE ebook!

You will know in detail the legal provisions applicable to documents signed electronically and the support of the NOM-151 conservation records.

Legal basis

Electronic Signature law

DigitaFirma is based on the Electronic Signature law, which gives digitally signed documents the same validity as those signed manually. MORE.

Commercial Code

In its article 89 establishes that the Electronic Signature is admissible and has the same evidentiary value in court as the documents signed with an autograph signature.

Constancy NOM-151

DigitaFirma uses the services of a Certification Service Provider (PSC) to ensure that the documents signed on the platform have 100% legal validity throughout the country. Each document is issued a certificate that endorses and provides a specific date.

Information Security

At DigitaFirma we take information security seriously and the protection of your personal data, which is why we implement the highest industry standards to keep your information safe.

Our data center as well as our entire value chain has backups and is protected against disasters, attacks or failures in computing equipment. Our infrastructure is based on highly reliable data centers and complies with certifications such as ISO 27001, ISO 27017 and ISO 27018, including AICPA SOC 1/2/3.

Information security
Data Center and Networks
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Characteristics img Other

Multi company

Not all

Custom signature

Not all

Certification Services Provider Support

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Specific date

Not all

Issuance of Certificate in accordance with NOM-151

Not all

Legal support by lawyers

Not all

Support via online chat

Not all

Telephone support

Not all

Multi company

Not all

Custom signature

Not all

Certification Services Provider Support

Not all

Specific date

Not all

Issuance of Certificate in accordance with NOM-151

Not all

Legal support by lawyers

Not all

Support via online chat

Not all

Telephone support

Not all
Do you have questions?


Can SAT see what it signs using the e. Signature (formerly called FIEL)?

No. Although it is true that the SAT is the Certificate Authority that issues the e.firma (formerly called FIEL), that does not mean that it has access to the documents that were signed using this certificate. It is not legally or technically possible for the SAT to know the content of the documents that are signed with the e.signature. Continue.

What kind of documents can I sign through DigitaFirma?

DigitaFirma can be used on any type of text document with extensions .DOC, .DOCX and .PDF. Any document that needs to be kept on electronic media with a guarantee of security and integrity can be protected through a Conservation Record under NOM-151. Continue.

How is my information protected when using DigitaFirma?

DigitaFirma uses the highest standards of information security, keeping customer information and signed documents safe from disasters, attacks or failures in computer equipment, electricity and communication networks. Continue.

Can the documents signed with DigitaFirma be recovered?

Yes, DigitaFirma stores the documents signed by its clients for later consultation, download and / or forwarding by email for up to 10 years.

What is the Advanced Electronic Signature?

It is a digital mechanism for the signing of documents consisting of the logical association of certain electronic data to a document for the identification of the signatory and indicating their approval with respect to the information contained in the signed document. Continue.

Are the documents valid at a trial?

Yes, in the case of civil, commercial, administrative, fiscal and labor lawsuits, there are clear legal provisions in which it is established that the documents signed with the Electronic Signature are valid admissible evidence in court. Continue.

What is NOM-151 and why is it important?

The Official Mexican Standard NOM-151-SCFI-2016 that defines the requirements that must be observed for the conservation of data messages and digitization of documents (NOM-151) establishes the requirements that merchants must follow for the digitization of documents and preservation of electronic documentation regarding the commercial acts that they carry out as part of their business. Continue.

Ready to start signing? Open your demo account with 30 free documents

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